Existing licensee
Please be aware that our online licensing portal will be unavailable between 17:00 on 20 February until 10:00 24 February while we upgrade our systems.
If you are submitting a licence application online, it must be completed before 17:00 on 20 February or it will not be saved.
We apologise for any inconvenience.
Registration with the DBS Update Service helps to prevent any further delays in the future: subscribers to this service won't be required to apply for a new check when renewing their licence, which eliminates the risk of delays in the processing of DBS applications. This also saves money on the cost of a new DBS check as a new DBS check will only be required where a change has occurred.
Photograph ID
As part of your application you will need to provide a recent photograph of yourself. This will appear on your renewed taxi or private hire driver licence. See our "Photo guidance" about the type of photograph we will accept.
Applying by post
It is quicker and easier to apply to renew your licence online. However, you can also apply by posting your completed renewal application pack using the envelope provided. When applying by post:
- Check the details on the form and change any detail that is incorrect
- Please ensure that you provide an email address so that we can provide updates more quickly
- Ensure you provide your DVLA Share Code
- Sign the declaration
Please post your completed application at the earliest opportunity to:
Transport for London
Taxi & Private Hire
PO Box 177
S98 1JY
We also require you to:
- Return your old licence to us within seven days of it expiring (to the address above)
- Private Hire drivers are also required to return their PHV driver badge (to the address above)
Contact us
You can email us at tphlicensing@tfl.gov.uk to:
- Check the progress of your application or renewal
- Change your name or address
- Inform us of a change in your medical health
- Apply for an exemption
- Request a replacement licence
- Notify us of any convictions, cautions or charges
Applicants for a taxi/private hire driver's licence will only ever be asked to pay the cost of an application. We do not offer a fast-track service and will never charge more than the advertised application costs.
If you have been approached by a third-party offering a fast-track service at an additional cost, this is fraudulent and you should report it to us at tphreport@tfl.gov.uk.
HMRC Tax Check
On 4 April 2022, HMRC introduced new tax checks for all taxi and private hire drivers, as well as PHV operators. As a licensed driver, you should be registered to pay any tax that may be due on income you earn from your licensed trade.
You will need to complete a tax check with HMRC (using your GOV.UK Government Gateway ID and password). You must then obtain a unique 9-character tax check code which confirms your registration to pay tax. The tax check code will then need to be provided to TfL as part of your application to renew your licence.
Guidance is available on GOV.UK to help you complete the tax check.
Please note:
- You will need to ensure that you provide the correct tax check code for the type of licence that is being applied for, i.e. a taxi or private hire driver's licence
- A tax check code is only valid for 120 days from when it is obtained from HMRC. Please bear this in mind when submitting your application. If the code has expired, we will be unable to complete the check and your application will be incomplete
- Please ensure that you record the tax check code clearly and correctly on your application form
Should a tax check code be required, but it is not provided, then your application will be deemed to be incomplete. Your application cannot then be fully processed until the required tax check code has been provided and a check undertaken by TfL.
Guidance for EU/EEA nationals
Please see the document provided for information on the requirements for EU/EEA nationals to demonstrate their right to work in the United Kingdom.
Late Renewals
If a driver submits a renewal application after the expiry of the previous licence there will be no guarantee of the immediate issue of a new licence. The driver will have to wait until all processes, including the return of a satisfactory DBS check, have been completed.*
The new licence will take effect from the date of issue. It will not take effect from the date of expiry of the preceding licence or the date of application.
Any driver applying to renew their licence more than three months after the expiry of the preceding licence will be treated as a new applicant. This may require the driver to obtain a new medical examination and fulfil the new driver application requirements. A new licence will not be issued until all necessary checks have been completed.
Any driver who submits a renewal application after the expiry of their licence will no longer be licensed and cannot work until a new licence is issued.
*For taxi drivers who have submitted a complete application, section 17(7) of the Transport Act 1985 may be applicable.
Drivers working after the expiry of their licence
It is an offence for a Taxi or PHV driver to work without a valid licence and any driver that continues to work after their licence has expired is also likely to invalidate hire and reward insurance.
If a driver is found working after their licence has expired, they will be reported for the appropriate offence and may be prosecuted. Regardless of whether any prosecution follows, this information will be considered when assessing any subsequent renewal or new application.
Reporting lost, stolen or damaged licence parts
You need to have your badge/ID, licence, and if you are a taxi driver your identifiers with you at all times in order to work. If any of these are lost, stolen or damaged, you must inform us immediately. If part of your licence is stolen, you must also report this to the police, who will provide you with a crime reference number.
You can email us on tphlicensing@tfl.gov.uk to request a replacement if any of your licence parts have been stolen (crime reference number to be provided), lost or damaged.
Please note that the fee for a replacement taxi (black cab) driver brass badge is £15. The payment can be made with a credit or debit card over the phone. We will update your licences with your new badge number, and your replacement badge and new licence parts will be sent to you by post. Please return your previous licence parts upon receipt of your replacement.
Previous licence parts can be surrendered to:
London Taxi and Private Hire
PO Box 177
S98 1JY
Surrendering private hire vehicle licences
If you buy a vehicle that has been licensed by us as a private hire vehicle and you are not using it for that purpose, OR if you are selling a TfL licensed private hire vehicle that will no longer be used for private hire purposes, you must return the licence discs found on the front and rear windscreen, as well as the paper vehicle licence to TfL.
You must return the licence discs and paper licence to this address:
London Taxi and Private Hire
PO Box 177
S98 1JY
Safeguarding Awareness
Existing drivers and applicants are expected to undertake the online Safeguarding Awareness training course. This course contains important information on protecting children and vulnerable adults at risk from harm and abuse.
More information on the introduction of the Safeguarding Awareness course is available in TPH Notice 13/21 and on our Safeguarding Awareness webpage.
Taxi and private hire driver and vehicle policy
Policies, advice and guidance on licensing taxi and private hire drivers and vehicles in London.
Taxi and Private Hire Driver Policy
Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Policy - December 2021
Private hire operators
Visit our web page for existing private hire operators.
MOT checker
All taxis and private hire vehicles, that are more than 12 months old (from date of manufacture) at the point of licensing, are required to pass two MOT tests a year as a condition of continued annual licensing. One of these MOTs must be completed no more than 14 days prior to the date of the annual licensing inspection.
The first MOT certificate must relate to an examination of the vehicle which took place not more than 14 days before the end of the day on which the vehicle was presented for licensing (the day of presentation being regarded as "Day 1" for those purposes). For example, if your vehicle is booked into one of our inspection centres for 14 March 2019 then your MOT certificate must be dated between 1 and 14 March 2019. We are unable to accept certificates that are older than this.
For the mid-year MOT the certificate should be dated within 14 days of the six month anniversary of the licence start date. The second MOT certificate must relate to an examination of the vehicle which took place not more than 14 days before the end of the six month anniversary of the date of start of the licence (the day of the six month anniversary being regarded as "Day 1" for the purposes of that requirement). For example, if the licence start date is 14 March 2019 then the MOT must be dated between 1 and 14 September 2019. We cannot accept mid-year MOT certificates if the date is prior to 1 September 2019.
The licence start date is specified on the paper licence issued when the vehicle passes our annual inspection.
We give a reminder note at inspection centres. It's your responsibility to ensure the vehicle you're driving is up to date. Check your vehicle's MOT status online.
Idling engines
Idling engines contribute to air pollution problems in London. Running the engine while your vehicle is stationary pollutes the environment and is illegal on a public road.
When you keep a vehicle's engine idling it can produce unnecessary exhaust emissions that affect the quality of our air.
Engine idling and the law
It is illegal to leave your engine running when stationary and you could also risk a fixed penalty notice, under the Road Traffic (Vehicle Emissions) (Fixed Penalty) (England) Regulations 2002.
It is not illegal to have an idling vehicle engine if you are:
- Waiting at traffic lights
- Moving slowly through congestion
- Getting a repair or defrosting a windscreen
Our compliance officers regularly advise drivers of idling taxi or private hire vehicles to move on or switch off their engine.
What to do
- If stationary and waiting more than a couple of minutes for a customer, switch your engine off to avoid idling
- Restarting an engine causes less pollution and uses less fuel than keeping the engine idling. Modern batteries don't need as much engine time to remain charged
- Avoid an idling engine and you'll help to lower air pollution, improve air quality and save yourself money on fuel
- Our parking information page has more details about where taxi and private hire drivers can wait for customers
Space saver tyres
Space saver wheels are designed for temporary use, to get you a place of repair. You must get the original car tyre repaired or replaced as soon as possible. If the puncture occurs during a journey that is local and does not entail motorway driving, then you may use a space saver tyre to complete that journey as long as you then proceed directly to a place of repair.
Due to the speed restriction (50mph), limited tread (only 3mm from new) and softer rubber compound the distance covered before repair should not be excessive. The continual use of a vehicle fitted with a space saver wheel may bring the vehicle into conflict with Construction & Use regulations.
Toilet information
It can be difficult to know where to find public toilet facilities when you're driving. Get more information about where public toilets are in the key areas of London, including Heathrow and City airports.