
We are the integrated transport authority responsible for operating the capital's public transport network and managing London's main roads.

Our long-term ratings are AA-/A-1+ with S&P, A2/P-1 with Moody's and AA-/F1+ with Fitch.

We represent an excellent opportunity for investors due to our status as a public sector body with close links to the UK Government, our strong statutory framework, the essential nature of our services to the London economy, and our strong operating performance.

We continue to put all our efforts into achieving the financial sustainability of our operations and deliver huge transport improvements that bring significant benefits to London and the country as a whole. Safety remains our number one priority and we continue to work tirelessly to improve safety across the network for both colleagues and customers.

Big Ben tower from above
New Bus for London

Contact us

Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance
Transport for London
197 Blackfriars Road
London SE1 8NJ