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Lane rental scheme


Scheme order and document

These documents provide details on the legislative order and scheme

Lane rental locations map, lists and GIS files

An interactive mapping layer is provided in ArcGIS:

A list of lane rental scheme locations is available in both Excel and PDF format.

For a spatial representation of the lane rental locations, the ZIP downloads above contain GIS files in both TAB and ESRI format. These can be uploaded into most mapping systems.

The files should only be downloaded via desktop computers.

Lane rental charges: waiver, reduction and exemption requests

The Supplementary guidance document below includes scenarios in which requests shall be considered, along with general information. This should be read in conjunction with the scheme documents.

If you want to apply for a waiver, reduction or exemption related to these scenarios, go to the TfL StarGo Highways Licensing website. The StarGo Customer Portal User Guide is available below to help applicants navigate the platform.

The scheme also makes it possible to offer discounts to companies that consistently demonstrate the highest level of performance when undertaking works. This process is detailed in the other 2 documents below.

For queries on the guidance or processes, please email

Road works site with traffic management placed on the left side of the carriageway, removing a lane and directing traffic to the right of the works, along with a diversion sign. Cars, a bus and a cyclist visible in image

Monitoring reports

To ensure that the scheme continues to provide the most benefit to the critical parts of our road network, the scheme is evaluated annually to monitor performance.

The below reports provide information on the positive impacts of the scheme over recent years.

For earlier reports, please email,

Lane Rental Governance Committee (LRGC)

The Lane Rental Governance Committee (LRGC) manages the surplus income generated from the scheme by ensuring that expenditure is in accordance with Department for Transport (DfT) regulations.

The committee is made up of representatives from utility companies, along with internal colleagues, meeting quarterly to authorise funding requests for projects aimed at reducing disruption and improving how road and street works are carried out.

A review was done to provide assurance that the income from the TLRS is being managed in accordance with DfT regulations.

Lane Rental funded project documents

Approved projects are required to complete the following documents to allow the project to be monitored against the approved bid: 

If you require any assistance with completing the templates, please email:

Lane rental funding approved applications

This document provides a summary of all lane rental funded projects approved by the Lane Rental Governance Committee:

Lane rental funding - Project videos

LRGC industry publications

All projects funded by the Lane Rental Governance Committee are required to provide an industry publication at the close of the project.

This is to advise stakeholders of the outcomes of the project, lessons learnt and recommendations. Below are the publications from all the projects completed to date:

Highway Authorities and Utilities Committee (HAUC(UK))

The Highway Authorities and Utilities Committee (HAUC(UK)) brings highway authorities, utilities and government together with the aim of working safely and smartly to reduce the impact of street and road works on members of the public throughout the UK.

Find out more about the road and street works sector by visiting the HAUC(UK) website.

Open innovation

We work with innovators of all sizes to find creative, resourceful and novel approaches to challenges - applying new technologies to make the future of London greener, safer and more inclusive.

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