Challenge a penalty charge

Make a representation

A representation is your chance to challenge the PCN and forms part of a legal process. There are a number of rules that must be followed by both the person making the representation and us. This page provides advice about the representation process, possible grounds for making a representation, the evidence that should be provided and what you can expect from us.

How to make a representation.

Make an appeal

If your representation is rejected, you may appeal against this decision on specified grounds to the independent adjudication service London Tribunals. An adjudicator will consider your appeal and make an independent decision, which in the normal course of events we will both have to comply with.

How to make an appeal.

Make a Statutory Declaration

In the event that you did not receive the PCN, or a response to your representation or appeal, you may be able to make a Statutory Declaration. The necessary form is provided with the Order for Recovery.

How to make a Statutory Declaration.

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