Planning application modelling

Local transport modelling

Some planning applications use local transport models to predict and test the potential impacts of a new development on:

These models usually deal with individual junctions, crossings or other small parts of the transport network.

You need to carry out local transport modelling if your planning application could affect:

  • Traffic signals
  • Pedestrian crossing
  • Bus journey times
  • The capacity and reliability of London's red routes

Your models need to follow our Traffic modelling guidelines and Model Auditing Process (MAP) unless agreed otherwise. Each stage in the audit process can take up to 28 days. Allow enough time to complete the audit before submitting your application.

Strategic transport modelling

We use strategic transport models to understand the potential impacts of our own projects and investments. The models make predictions about:

  • How many trips are made
  • Where the trips go
  • What mode the trips use
  • What route the trips take

The model outcomes can be used to assess the impact of proposed development on:

These can be used in the Transport Assessments of large-scale planning applications.

You need to carry out strategic transport assessment if your planning application is above, or around, 1,000 housing units and/or 10,000 square metres of any other land use. The level of strategic transport assessment required should be confirmed with TfL officers. There is a fee to use our strategic models.

Our strategic modelling flow chart shows timings and relationships involved when you use our strategic transport models:

Our models can provide insight into smaller developments where full strategic modelling is not required. For a fee, we can extract detailed data from the model to inform your Transport Assessment.

Use our services

You always need to book an initial screening meeting for our modelling services.

Contact us

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