Please can you confirm when the bus stop on Bishopsgate, close to the junction with Leadenhall St - serving buses going towards London Bridge Station will be reinstated - it was removed whilst...
I would like to request the implementation documentation/guidelines that TfL uses for applying road markings to denote red routes. Specifically I’m interested in the specifications/rules for...
Can you provide me with information on blood tests at London Underground. If a person declares a drug or drink addiction and goes through rehabilitation provided by LU. Will they be randomly...
• For the calendar year 2023 (financial year January 2023-March 2023 and April 2023 to the most recent date) can you please provide the following in an Excel spreadsheet or similar: o The number...
Follow-up to FOI-3144-2324: Thank you. I would like to reframe my question to just include the first part. Please can you tell me how many bus lanes have been removed on roads run/controlled...
Dear Sir/Madam Firstly, a happy new year to you all! I am conducting research and would like to request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, information and circumstances of all Road...
Where can I find a list of extension fares? e.g. if I have a Travel card for zones one and 2, how much is the extension fare to zone 3 ?
1) The number of Palestinian flags removed from TFL Routes/ Infrastructure across The Greater London Authority Jurisdiction from October 7th 2023 to 31st December 2023 2) The cost of removal...
I would be grateful if you could provide me update about the west ealing liveable neighbourhood. I would be interested in communication between tfl and ealing council officers (or councillors)...
Hi FOI Thank you for your kind and informative response to FOI-2660-2324/GH Further to that request, please may I request that you share any information relating to how TfL procures data...