
17980 requests found

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Hi! I am a student writing on behalf of a London school of economics research team. I realise that responses normally take within 20 working days- however we only have a week to finish our project,...

Hi, You would be able to provide me with the following: -The average time taken for a New routemaster on route 68 to complete a journey between West Norwood and Euston. -The average time...

Please could you inform me, the specific amount per year for the last 5 years that TFL funded/contributed to the Metropolitan Police Cab Unit/services

Could you please tell me how many speeding notices have been issued since the average speed cameras have become live from Bexley to the Blackwall tunnel

How many abandoned cycles have been reported on the red route in the last year to date. Also, I would like to know what is TfL's procedure to remove and dispose of abandoned cycles.

Why is the box junction at this junction so long, ie extending past the turn right access into Chrisp St and has no benefit to egress from Chrisp St. The traffic egressing Chrisp St can only...

In your response to a Freedom of Information Request entitled 'Revenue Protection Inspector Training' which you assigned the reference number FOI-1155-1617, you released files that were corrupted....

Could you tell me how many operational compliance officers in TPHC, that were recruited from November 2016 up until now have left TfL?

Has Tfl broken our common law rights!!! Can you confirm whether Tfl is breaking our privacy laws by following our vehicles with your average speed cameras? Can you confirm whether you are breaking...

I would like financial information as part of my dissertation research into cost spent and set programme for TfL major transportation projects. I would like the financial information into initial...