
17980 requests found

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I would like to make a freedom of information request for Transport for London to provide the number of driving and parking penalties which have had to be cancelled due to the owner of the vehicle...

How many trees has TfL felled since May 8th 2016?

I want to submit a freedom of information request for the following information relating to telephony and networks services: If there is more than one supplier for each of the contracts below,...

I require only two types of data, i.e. DLR rolling stock and DLR route. For DLR rolling stock, I specify I need the following data of B07 Stock: - Total length in metre - Total tare mass and...

United Kingdom-London: Coffee, tea and related products 2013/S 127-217562 Contract notice I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect...

Please provide the business case submitted to the relevant boards referring to the purchase of additional trains for the jubilee and northern lines prior to its pause and the details of how further...

Can you confirm what the oyster fare will be to Heathrow Airport stations will be when using the Elizabth Line and whether season tickets (zone 1-6) will be valid. What will be the charge for...

I would like a list of all breakdowns and faults that have caused delays to TFL Rail services. This list should include class 345 trains only. This list will be cross checked against our existing...

Dear Sirs, I would like to submit a freedom of information request regarding the weekly highway inspection of the A12 near the Gallows Corner roundabout. I am interested in the dates of the...

I am currently in the process of re-creating a London scene in model form and wondering if I am able to obtain one of your CDs which contain all the announcements from the TfL network?