
19658 requests found

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We are a group of highway consultants working for a client on a site in North Cheam. Part of our works require us to assess the street lighting for a new site access we are proposing. The address...

Two questions, please. 1) How many staff employed by TfL are currently paid over £100,000 per year. 2) How many officials have the word inclusion OR diversity in their job title

Good evening. 20 additional licensing conditions were placed on Uber on 24sep19, and published in an FOI request on 22oct19 (FOI-1893-1920). Can you confirm if there are any additional licensing...

Follow on to 3871-1920: Thank you for replying. You've asked me to clarify dates to help you narrow down your search. Please see a revised request below: Please provide details of any surveys...

Over the last 5 years how many children under the age of 15 have been involved in a traffic accident in Lee Green Ward, located in the London Borough of Lewisham? How many were hospitalised as...

I would like to request the audio files where available for -Bus iBus announcements -Croydon Tram onboard announcements -London Overground onboard announcements -London Overground station announcements -London...

Good morning, I am looking for information on the number of private vehicles (privately owned and/or private hire) that are exempt from the Congestion Charge Zone and/or ULEZ from the 1st January...

I respectfully request details of the information you use pertaining to the Law, Regulations and Company Policy you may use when challenging a PCN. There is no clear guidance published of your...

In relation to the following order: The A101 GLA Road (Rotherhithe Tunnel, Rotherhithe Tunnel Approach and Branch Road, London Borough of Tower Hamlets and Southwark) (Temporary Weight and Height...

F/on from FOI-0050-2021 I have a few follow up questions as below if you are able to assist: 1. When will the remaining data for 2019 up to 2020 be available? 2. In relation to the attached...