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Getting your HGV safety permit


We are working with vehicle manufacturers to assign star ratings for their vehicles. Check to see if we hold your star rating and apply.

Apply for a single vehicle

You can only apply for a new safety permit subject to the Progressive Safe System conditions. This permit will be valid until 28 October 2030 regardless of the star rating.

If we do not know the star rating of your vehicle, you will need to contact your manufacturer to confirm to you its star rating and then send the confirmation to us.

Zero, one and two star rated vehicles need to be fitted with a  Progressive Safe System .

Apply for multiple vehicles

Fleet operators can apply for 5 to 3,000 vehicles at one time through a multi vehicle application. To get started, download the CSV template.

You can open the file in commonly available Office software, such as Microsoft Excel. You will need to enter the Vehicle Registration Mark (VRM) of all your vehicles and tell us if they are registered as UK or non-UK.

It is important that you only fill the form in the example format provided. Do not alter the template or use a different format when entering data or your application may fail.

After you apply and upload your completed CSV file you will receive a confirmation email with a permit application number. You will receive separate emails that will tell you the outcome of the vehicles in your application.

These emails will usually group your vehicles by their star rating or status (such as if they meet the minimum star rating, are exempt, not subject to the scheme, or not found in our records) and any next steps you need to take.

Safety evidence requirements

If you've been asked to provide safety evidence as part of a Progressive Safe System application, you will need to provide visual evidence and a sensor functionality statement to show that the Progressive Safe System has been fitted to your vehicle.

Safety evidence for multi vehicle applications

If there are vehicles in your multi vehicle application that are rated zero, one or two stars, you may still need to provide safety evidence to show you've fitted Progressive Safe System equipment on these vehicles. The safety evidence required is set out in our DVS operator's guidance.

After submitting your application, if safety evidence is required then we will identify a percentage of your vehicles and ask you to provide safety evidence for them. The exact number will be based on the overall number of zero, one and two star rated vehicles in your application.

Once these are approved, we will issue safety permits for all remaining zero, one and two star rated vehicles in your application 'on trust', without the need to provide further evidence.

We reserve the right to withdraw safety permits if we have evidence that suggests you are abusing the application process.

The quality of your photos

Your photos must be:

  • JPG or PNG files, no more than 10MB each
  • Clear and in focus
  • Colour (not black and white)
  • An accurate picture of the vehicle

What your photos must show

Your photos must:

  • Clearly show the front and nearside (passenger side) of the HGV (Photo 1)
  • Clearly show the rear and nearside (passenger side) of the HGV (Photo 2)
  • Ensure the Vehicle Registration Mark (VRM) can be clearly read in both photos at the front (Photo 1) and rear (Photo 2) of the vehicle

Provide evidence that the following safety features have been fitted to the vehicle:

  • Class V mirror (Photo 1: front and nearside)
  • Class VI mirror (Photo 1: front and nearside)
  • Side under-run protection (Photo 1 and 2)
  • Warning signage (Photo 2: rear and nearside)

If your vehicle is partially exempt and not required to have specific safety features fitted, the photo should support the reason for exemption.

If your vehicle is a tractor unit, it is not necessary for a trailer to be fitted to the vehicle for the purpose of photographic evidence. Where a trailer is present, the rear photo must show the rear nearside of the trailer with the vehicle in situ, in line with the above requirements.

Our exemptions policy for full or partial exemption is set out in the DVS operator's guidance.

Good and bad examples of digital photos

Photo 1

Good example for photo 1 of HGV Safety Permit

Vehicle Registration Mark (number plate) clearly legible. Sideguards, Class V and VI mirrors clearly identifiable.

Photo 2

Good example for photo 2 of HGV Safety Permit

Vehicle Registration Mark (number plate) clearly legible, side under-run protection and warning signage clearly identifiable

Not acceptable

Examples of bad photos for HGV Safety Permit application

Image too dark / bright / poor quality / blurry - Safe System features not legible and identifiable

What your sensor functionality statement should include

Operators are also required to provide an endorsed statement as part of the safety evidence, that demonstrates that the Blind Spot and Moving Off Information Systems have been fitted to comply with the standards set in our technical specifications, and are in functional working order.

There is no prescriptive format that the statement must follow. For vehicles type approved to UNECE Regulations 151 and 159, we accept certificates produced by manufacturers as part of the type-approval process. These documents should show that the BSIS and MOIS fitted to the vehicle are compliant with the vehicle's type approval for UNECE Regulations 151 and 159 and should:

  • Be produced by a recognised manufacturer and clearly indicate that it relates to your vehicle's type approval status
  • Indicate who the point of contact is for any queries about the statement, including name and contact details
  • Be attached to your HGV safety permit application in a PDF or HTML format
  • Include the Vehicle Registration Mark (VRM) or Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of the vehicle
  • If the VRM is not included in the document, you will also need to provide a copy of your vehicle's registration document (V5C log book or non-UK equivalent)

For all other vehicles, fitted with 'after-market' systems, your statement should:

  • Be provided as part of a letter with clear company branding and heading, or from a recognised company email address
  • Indicate who the point of contact is for any queries about the statement
  • Include a statement that certifies: "the blind spot and moving off information systems fitted to this vehicle are fully functional, effective and installed in compliance with the PSS technical specifications"
  • Be self-certified by either the fitter who installed the product(s), or the manufacturer of the vehicle or product(s)
  • Be attached to your HGV safety permit application in a PDF or HTML format
  • Include the Vehicle Registration Mark (VRM) or Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of the vehicle
  • If the VRM is not included in the statement, you will also need to provide a copy of your vehicle's registration document (V5C log book or non-UK equivalent)

Managing your permit

You will receive a confirmation of your permit by email, which will include a permit reference number for your vehicle. We will only grant HGV safety permits under Progressive Safe System conditions. Generally, we aim to process applications for an HGV safety permit in up to 10 working days.

We do not issue certificates or other documents outlining your permit status. You are not required to display proof of your permit in your vehicle.

We are working to improve the permit application process, using feedback we've had from applicants to make the process better and easier to use.

To stay compliant with the HGV Safety Permit Scheme, you must tell us if certain conditions change. You can do this by contacting us through the Make an enquiry form.

Keeping your contact details up to date

You must tell us if the contact details for your safety permit, such as the registered email address change. You can do this by using the Make an enquiry form on this website. We can only discuss details of an existing safety permit with the contact details provided at the time of application.

Changes in configuration

You must tell us if you change the configuration of any of your vehicles.

We reserve the right to withdraw permits if we have evidence that suggests you are abusing the application process or are not maintaining the required Progressive Safe System measures.

Selling your vehicle: change in ownership

The owner must tell us if the vehicle has been sold and there is a change in ownership. Permits cannot be transferred between operators and the new owner will need to apply for a new permit.

The new owner can apply for a permit as soon as they've purchased the vehicle and know the vehicle's Vehicle Registration Mark (VRM), make and model.

Withdraw a permit

You may contact us if an HGV safety permit is no longer needed for your vehicle. We will withdraw your HGV safety permit and respond with a written confirmation.

Change of Vehicle Registration Mark (VRM)

You must tell us if you would like to use your number plate on a different vehicle. You will need to apply for a new permit and ensure it meets the permit requirements.