
17980 requests found

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Follow-up to FOI-0018-2425: Thank you very much for your email. Can you please also confirm how many Oyster Retail shops and ticket machines are required for UB1 area and how many are available...

Vehicle Fleet Information 1. How many vehicles does the Authority own and/or operate within each of the following categories and how many of these have a registered capacity to carry wheelchair...

January 2010 to January 2024 period of time l am enquiring about. How many incidents have drivers reported with this timescale of pedal confusion? How many injuries in this period of time have...

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing in relation to a request under the Freedom of Information Act. Specifically, I want ask the following: 1. Broken down for the financial years 18/19, 19/20, 21/22,...

I would like to request new FOI as a form of an update please refer to FOI-2562-1819. On 31st May 2016 at the tripartite meeting, Fatal Assault Fund Account was spoken of. Please can you clarify...

Could you provide me with your ESG report?

Morning TFL Could someone kindly provide concrete proof that since ULEZ introduced across London that there has been significant change in air pollution ? • what was air pollution like before...

I have looked at the information published on your website at . I’m afraid I have been unable to find there the information I am looking for, namely separate...

Under the Freedom Of Information Act i am writing to make a request regarding how many tickets that each London Overground ticket office and each Elizabeth Line ticket office has sold. This...

1. Of the Penalty Charge Notices issued for vehicles in breach of ULEZ requirements since 29 August 2023, how many have been paid in full? 2. Of the same set of Penalty Charge Notices, how many...