
19500 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

I am aware that Southwark Council made (unsuccessful) bids in relation to the Liveable Neighbourhoods programme, that closed on the 20th October 2017, can you please let me know the details of...

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to enquire what the status of the Taxi / PHV diary survey 2017 is. The response to this FOI request (

Follow on from FOI-2110-1718 Thank you for the information you provide. Those are really helpful. However, regarding Maximum traction force and Maximum braking force, those data have not met...

1. The number of cycle hires made since January 2014 to present, by month, by "casual" users (those who hire bicycles using a credit/debit card at the terminal). 2. The number of cycle hires...

Dates in May 2017 that the TFL/Congestion charge website did not work to submit representations

I have been wanting to send a freedom of information request relating to the Organisation’s existing contracts relating to facilities management. A. Lift Service and Maintenance B. ...

Follow-up request 2117-1718: Many thanks for the information you supplied for the FOI request. I have a further question if you may, out of the 84 PCN's issued for "Entering and stopping in...

Please inform me about measurements of fine particles, including: -- the method(s) of measurement and data analysis -- the dates, times and places of measurements -- the results, especially size...

Dear Sirs LOHAC rates We note your involvement in road maintenance on behalf of TfL and that in mid-2016 you have raised the following charges: • Ganger ...

Please could you release any documents and images relating to the creation or implementation of "Sir Roundlington". I have attached a photo so you can see the mascot character I am referring...