
17980 requests found

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I am currently doing my 3rd Year Project in introducing a prototype device that helps in reducing accident from occurring at road junction. Here are my questions: 1) What is the overall cost...

I should be grateful if you could send me a copy of this contract please.

Freedom of information request On 22/03/2017 I made an enquiry ref 33230 to which I have not received a reply relating to the lack of working information boards at Wanstead Park and the apparent...

The information I need is as follows: According to my information TfL determine and manage the parking restrictions on the section of the A502 road (North End Road) between The Park and Hampstead...

Pertaining to Transport for London’s strategy of transparency in making all information freely available to the public, I would like to request some information about TFL’s Media operations....

I am requesting information about the total amount of money that goes through the underground system related to negative balances, Any and all information: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly would...

I wish to get a yearly breakdown of the number of complaints made about tram drivers and Tube drivers since 2010. Would be great if you could give me the top 10 reasons for complaints.

F/on for FOI-2074 Would it be possible to have the data for 26 October 2010 to 25 October 2015 to be split into each year please?

I am writing to ask how many residents of the Royal Borough of Greenwich, London Borough of Newham, and the London Borough of Tower Hamlets hold concessionary travelcards entitling them to discounted...

I understand TfL has written to the Foreign Office, requesting the Foreign Minister help clarify the issue of diplomatic immunity and whether it exempts diplomatic missions from paying the Congestion...