
17980 requests found

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Dear Transport for London, These proposals are described on the following Transport for London consultation webpage: Can I please...

Can you tell me how many vehicles were issued P.C.N.s for yellow box junction offences whilst turning left from Midland road onto Euston road from 01/06/17 to 01/09/17. Also I would like the...

I am aware that there is an unofficial "grace period" for the bus hopper fare. For example, a journey whereby the first bus is taken at 10:57 and the second bus is taken at 12:02 is regarded...

Dear Transport for London, These proposals are described on the following Transport for London consultation webpage: Can I please...

Please provide copies of the following: -the Network Impact Assessment for the Ponders End Cycle Enfield Scheme -the Network Impact Assessment for the A1010 North Cycle Enfield Scheme -the Network...

These proposals are described on the following Transport for London consultation webpage: Can I please request the latest schedule/programme...

How many private Hire vehicle are licensed by your authority which hold sheffield city council post code to date, How many taxi and private hire drivers are licensed by your authority which...

Follow-on from FOI-1229-1718 This supplies me with some information but I am looking for more I detail draeings with measurements to be able to build it in miniature I am looking for the builders...

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 I would like to know: Does TFL have a contract with Hays Recruitment to supply staff at all levels, including management at Transport for London? If...

Please can you tell me how many people originally applied for the Duty Reliability Manager campaign (017286). How many of those who originally applied were successful into getting to the 1st...