
19638 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 please could you supply me with the following information: All emails written and received between Peter Blake (TFL's ex Director of Service Operations)...

Can you please attach the following two sound files from the Ibus system only: • "Please hold on. The bus is about to move." • "Please hold on while the bus is moving." These are both fairly...

In an article on changes to the congestion zone TFL wrote... 'We have found that average delays to journeys within the zone...

Could you please supply me with all emails between mike brown of TfL and Steve macnamara of the LTDA from the dates 1/1/18 to 20/7/18 thank you

Could you give me the evidence used to include motorcycles in the ULEZ given they reportedly only make up 1% of the pollution form vehicles. What modelling was done in regards there potential...

can you please send me any emails that were either sent or received between TfL’s Helen chapman and the LTDA’s steve McNamara please

As you kindly suggested, please can you provide details of noise complaints which contain both the words ‘District Line’ and ‘South Kensington’, in order to establish how many emails you have...

I am seeking via the FOI procedure, statistics relating to road traffic accidents involving Uber cars in London. Since watching the horrendous change in driving conditions on London’s streets...

Could you please tell me what the equality impact study of the extension of the ULEZ showed. Did it look at the impact on socio economically deprived residents, what was the finding in terms...

Could you please tell me how many people in Newham voted for and against the proposed extension of the ULEZ out to the A406