
17980 requests found

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Follow on from FOI- 3015-1718 I would like to narrow my request to the latest specification and progress report.

1) Correspondence between Transport for London and the Mayor of London's office regarding Crossrail 2 since May 8th 2016. 2) Correspondence between Transport for London and Deputy Mayor for...

How many buses have speed limiters on them to ensure they keep to the speed limit? In particular on the 490 and 285 routes? Also, what is the highest speed of these buses recorded on Hanworth...

I would like to know the number of bus collisions involved while buses were reversing in the last 5 years to date. The information will be helpful improve bus safety.

Please could you provide : 1. Information on the contract with Dash Parking services (the company that provides the mobile payment app for LUL's car parks). Including - contract length/expiry -...

Please can you provide a list of all fixed term contract extensions by month and job title since November 2015, which were issued with a salary increase - the Recruitment team and/or HRS should...

I am trying to determine the total cost of free plastic Oyster card wallets to London Underground. How many plastic Oyster card wallets were produced in the last year? What is the cost...

I am looking to find out: "How many Oyster cards used in 2017 were unregistered?" Could I have the same data for 2016, 2015 and 2014 (or the corresponding financial years if this info is not...

Dear Sir/Madam Please could you supply me with the following information. My request is made under the Environmental Information Regulations of 2004. 1. All records of discussions, whether...

Can you tell me why there is a temporary 30mph speed limit between target and Greenford roundabout on A40 east and west bound and no works are taking place it has been like this for over a month...