Hi There, Could I request entry and exit data for the following tube stations on the 16th and 23rd of March 2019 Marble Arch Bond Street Lancaster Gate Oxford Street Hyde Park Corner Green Park Edgware...
Hi, I would like to know: 1. how many diesel powered Hackney carriages (Black cabs) are there in London? 2. How many of these do not meet Euro 6 standards? Thanks, Tom
I hadn’t specifically asked for the noise in the Pandrol sections but thank you for this. Could you send me the readings for the other sections of line, more specifically for the other sections...
1. Your estimate of how many vehicles will be affected which are resident within the zone. 2. Same for visiting vehicles. 3. Details of consultations which have taken place prior to the decision....
I live in a property whose garden is overlooked by one of your CCTV towers on the Hammersmith control centre. In addition to the unsightly view of the tower, i have concerns about the central...
Following up on data provided by the Mayor of London on 27 December 2018 in response to Mayoral Question 2018/2658 (https://www.london.gov.uk/questions/2018/2658) a 17 July 2018 email from TfL’s...
This FOI is about Escalator Protection Sprinkler System (ESPS) 1. What is the function of the ESPS? 2. How often is the ESPS inspected? 3. Who carries out this inspection? 4. Where the outcome...
Please could you advise me:- What repair work is being carried out and why? How much will the work cost? How long will the work take including details of the phasing of the work and progress...
I am doing some post-graduate research on London rail projects and read the report on CR2 (6th March meeting) with interest. Would it be possible to see the documents referred in the list of...
I would like to make a freedom of information request. I own a motorcycle. The registration mark is [ ]. Despite it's age I believe it may meet ULEZ standards. On the ULEZ checker web page, this...