Please could I request copies of internal delay reports and associated documentation for incidents of delays on the Jubilee Line between 1st January 2019 and 27th March 2019 inclusive.
Dear Sir/Madam, I would be grateful if you could provide data on all hospitality, entertainments and gifts received by TfL executives or other managerial officers responsible for planning and...
Following on from this [FOI-3510-1819] I request CCTV footage at Uxbridge Bus Station on 17/3/19 from 21:30 to 22:15 and as before as the timings are tight please ask your CCTV colleagues not...
Has Ola applied for an operators licence and if so can you provide me with a copy of the application form ?
Dear Transport for London, It is a mistake to remove the Michael Jackson bus ads! KEEP THEM IN PLACE! This is an attack on freedom of speech and the falsely accused. REAL abuse victims should...
Dear Sir/Madam I would be grateful if you could provide the following information: (1) Number of permanent full-time employees employed by TfL as a whole over the period 2013-2018 by race,...
Can you please supply the decision making process that lead to the decision to remove the Michael Jackson - Innocent adverts from the London Buses To include who was consulted, who attended...
Dear Transport for London, It is a breach of Freedom of Speech to remove the ‘MJ Innocent’ posters from London buses. As you have previously stated, the posters do not violate any of your policies...
I would like to request the following under the FOI Act. 1) What is the name of the system that your organisation utilise to record data breaches or incidents? 2) Please can I have a copy...
Dear Transport for London, The public would like to have access to all emails, meeting minutes, texts, etc relating to the decision of the removal of the Michael Jackson Innocent ads. Fans donated...