
17980 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Hi there, May I please request the number of tube fare evasion (penalty fare or prosecution) issued from 2010 to 2023, broken down annually? Are you able to also break this down by geography...

Currently I am working on a research concerning the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) and Ultra Zone (ULEZ) in London. And I am looking for access to the following datasets: A) Compliance rate of London’s...

Questions on Safety Features of London Underground: i) How are derailments, collisions and overrun at track ends prevented? ii) How is track switching safely performed? What are the installed...

I would like to request under the Freedom of Information Act information concerning the implementation of the ULEZ scheme. In particular, I would like information on the number of cars which...

Can you please confirm how rounding up numbers work for the purpose of average of speed enforcement? For example, if a driver's average speed is 50.51, do you consider that as 51 and penalise...

All emails, minuted discussions and other written communications relating to the taking offline of the website ( from 15 August 2023 to present.

I would like to request the following information relating to your current TfL 91640 - Batch 8 A Call Handling Oyster Calls and Ticket Production Contract, published on 6th May 2021. Please...

This is an information request relating to busking in TfL tube stations. Please include the following information: • The total number of complaints related to buskers that were received in 2021/22? • When...

On 31st August 2015 you received a Freedom of Information request for within station interchange times, headed: "Interchange time at London underground stations". You replied helpfully on...

Follow-up to FOI-3241-2324: Dear FOI, Thank you for your reply. Firstly, please state how many hits come up for a search of the TFL email system – since April 2023 - for each of these search...