
18271 requests found

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On behalf of Enfield Transport User Group: It has been reported that procurement for Piccadilly Line trains has been halted: Separately,...

Follow on from FOI-2194-1819 Thank you for your email of 20 December 2018. We understand that sending thousands of individual emails would not be reasonable, and neither would we want it. We...

Did onfido supply Juma Omar background check & if so what was the date of the check?

1. The revenue raised from the introduction of the Low Emission Zone in London including fines for non-compliance 2. What this has been spent on, excluding costs of operating the scheme. 3. The...

Original case customer wants to how many complaints over the last 12 months have been made about TfL bus drivers not stopping at compulsory request stops, and how many disciplinary investigations...

I am writing to request an internal review of Transport for London's handling of my FOI request 'Dates of safety audit on Bus Operators'. You said "We also conduct quarterly health and safety...

Please provide: a) A breakdown per standard TfL reporting period of the sums and man-hours spent on Tube track maintenance and replacement since 11th August 2017 b) Projected sums and man-hours...

Please provide (1) the results of the most recent independent survey of levels of noise exposure to passengers using the Victoria Line (2) any advice received as to the safe levels of exposure...

Please supply me with the average loading figures for each Central Line train which originated at Epping, Debden or Loughton, as between Leyton and Stratford westbound, in the morning peak, each...

With reference to the answer you provided below, is there any data collected about how many times over the past 5 years TFL staff or emergency services had to be mobilised to deal with “wheelstop”...