There were road closures in Tottenham High Road at Bruce Grove on the 05/08/2018 for resurfacing work, at 18:42 can you please confirm the closures, the time of closures and diversions that was...
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 I would like a copy of TFL notice 05/10 to the taxi trade that was issued on 19/02/2010 but subsequently withdrawn by John Mason.
Under the Freedom of information act 2000 please can you send me an up to date list of all contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers that have been working on the construction of A316 Chiswick...
Hi, I would like the following information. In the last 5 years: -What percentage of trainee controllers assigned to the District line passed training on the job/line training. -What percentage...
1) How many applications for exemption have you had requested from advertisers since the ban on HFSS came into force across TfL on February 25th this year? 2) For each of the applications for...
This is a request for a summary of actions carried out by or on behalf of TfL and the Greater London Authority to warn vehicle owners and operators of their potential liability under the Low...
How many prosecutions for the last 12 months have resulted from the operation of speed cameras by the Grovelands Park gates on the Bourne, London, N14
I would like to know how many incidents of racism/racist abuse against London Underground staff there were from January 2015 to October 2019.
I'm interested in getting information on advertisements that have been disallowed since the TfL's advertising guidelines changed in February. Here is a link for reference -
As a member of staff working in TfL I understand there is a cost implication every time a department within TfL has a recruitment drive. Could you please advise me as to what the cost implications...