
17980 requests found

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On the xx September 2020 at around xxxx near xxxx, I observed one of your vehicles xxxxxx travelling on the xx towards London. There was a 50 mph speed restriction in place on the xx due to roadworks...

Dear Transport for London (TfL) Please provide the following information under the Freedom of Information act. • The current service specification for bus route 404 which includes the extension...

I am looking for current speed camera data for Greater London. I have been informed that this information is listed as held and maintained by Transport for London. The information I require would...

Good afternoon Hope you're well Could I please request any data you have available regarding a service operated by Citymapper/CityPass for use of their product across the TFL network (or any...

Dear Sir/Madam In early 2015, Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London at the time, announced plans to bring Greenwich Power Station back to full use. It was said that 6 new turbine engines would...

Please provide the following information under the FOI act. • Any documentation regards the route test that was undertaken on route 404 (I.e the risk assessment, notes and results and advisories)...

According to the the TfL byelaws it is illegal to jump the queue. My request is for data on the number of occasions that this law has been used to execute an arrest, and as to whether any of...

Please would you be able to provide station entry and exit data for the following stations for 2020 as far as possible for each individual month, for the following stations. - Canary Wharf Jubilee...

First of all let me tell you how disgraceful it is that you have increased the Congestion Charge fee from £10 to £15* and increased the enforcement hours all in the name of helping Londoners...

On 07/03/20 at approx 10.30pm I witnessed a single decker bus which had broken down in the middle of the juntion off Pentonville Road and Islington High Street (nearest the old Angel Station)....