
17564 requests found

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1. TfL and the London Shared Delivery Taskforce • What is TfL’s role in the London Shared Delivery Taskforce? • What actions has TfL taken as part of the London Shared Delivery Taskforce? • What...

I would like to request the following information: • all MyTaxi receipts sent to TfL employee email accounts for the period January 1, 2018 to January 31, 2019

Follow up from FOI-2864-1819 What is exactly meant by your statement and the roads it goes along to classify it as such As the colour coded trial has a definite boundary please provide the...

F/on from FOI-2896-1819 Thanks for your response. Please narrow down my request to the following. I would like to know the total number of times ticket inspectors travelled on London Underground...

I am writing in relation to Crossrail and, specifically, delays relating to copper wiring being used on the project. I would like to see all correspondence that mentions copper wiring, or other...

I understand the funding envelope for Crossrail 1 has been increased to £17.8 billion. However,...

1) Is London Underground Occupational Health (LUOH) recommendation a pre-requisite for ill health pension to be granted for an LUL employee? 2) Can an LUL employee be granted ill health pension...

Dear TFL, I am writing to formally request, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, that you please provide the Impact Assessment/Statement analysing the impact Tottenham Hotspur's new 62,000...

Revised request from FOI-2908-1819: Could you kindly narrow it down for the past two years if that would help and could you provide the request based on the Northern and Jubilee Drivers only...

I would like to know how many disruptions there have been to TfL Rail on the Shenfield branch from the earliest possible data to the most recent possible data. I want this information to be...