RTF supporting documents

Road network challenges map

An interactive map was created to give an overview of some of the challenges facing London's road network, for example, locations with the most congestion, worst air quality or highest collision rate.

International case studies

This report identifies a sample of 37 projects where cities have delivered schemes with highway and urban realm benefits and sought to use innovation in their design and delivery.

London's street family

Theory, application & case studies

This document sets out the theory behind the development of the street types, and details case studies of specific locations in London which exemplify how they could be applied.

Technical notes

These notes provide greater detail on some of the topics that were central to the RTF deliberations, including recent trends for vehicular traffic and car ownership.

Better Streets Delivered

Schemes completed under the Better Streets programme are examples of public realm improvements that may be applied to future Roads Task Force initiatives. 

GLA consultation

We consulted with stakeholders and the public in 2012 on how they think the road network should look going forward.