
18395 requests found

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Having had a representation accepted against a PNC for using a vehicle in the Rotherhithe Tunnel with a GVW/maximum permissible mass of 1,750Kg (1.75T, as identified on the vehicle's V5C form),...

Dear Transport for London The number of penalty charged notices issues for Junction Mile End Road/ Bancroft Road from 20/11/2020-20/11/2021. The total money received through payment of penalty...

Follow-on from FOI-1988-2122: Under the FOI i would like to see ALL documents, emails, letters, records of conversation showing 1. Who made the decision to move the bus stop pole / post 4 metres....

Follow-up to FOI-1825-2122: Thanks for this. Would the number of cycles that are found in the Thames each year be something which would come within the cost limits?

On 13 October 2021, an immigration enforcement operation was carried out at Walthamstow Central underground station by police and/or Home Office immigration enforcement officers. In a comment...

I would be very grateful if you could confirm the total amount TfL have spent constructing all the cycle lanes & schemes since 2010 to date. Clarification received 25/11/2021: If this makes...

Dear TfL. Please could I have a copy of all announcements (crossrail, underground, DLR, buses, overground, etc.) that you have available?

Under the Freedom of Information ACT, can you please provide TfL, LUL, Surface leavers figures for 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22 year to date. Can this information be broken-down by equality...

Dear Madam or Sir Please provide me with SCOOT data for Transport for London's Road Network and "A" roads within L B Hackney in .xls format for the period 01.01.19 to date. I am grateful for...

Would you please provide me with your bus speed data in .xls format for the period from 01.01.19 to date relating to the section of bus routes as follows: Routes 236, 276, 488, 308 W15 on Homerton...