
18271 requests found

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Hi there, I had an appointment booked at a test centre and was on my way to get there on time, unfortunately the bus was suddenly redirected on diversion which caused my journey to lengthen...

May we have a copy of the 20 mph Order for this road?

Hi, I recently applied for the position for Bus Station Controller (BCS) and am progressing to the interview stages. I wanted to find out what the Salary Progression of a BCS is. I know from...

I am wondering if you had any statistics on the number of employees who work within the London underground. I have looked online but can only find data on the number TFL staff, but need a more...

Dear Sirs, I have seen an article saying you have a new map geographical accurate of London. The article in the Daily Mail 21.5.23 showed an outline and I would like an original map so I can...

I would like information on all the roads where ALL the ULEZ cameras are situated in London Borough of Havering.

Please could you provide the guidance London Underground staff are issued with with in terms of the emergency procedures they should follow in the event of a fire at a station. This includes...

Under the Freedom of Information ACT, can you please provide me copies of TfL Pay implementation and notices/salary ranges for PB1 to PB3 for financial years 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12,...

I would like to know the exact location of the ULEZ camera titled as : U438 41 0454. On/Off slip high road I am requesting this as I do not believe I was in the charging zone that day. The...

Can you please let me know how much has been spent on advertising the ULEZ scheme on the media on publications put in the doors and in total and if they were put out to tender and which groups/companies...