
18271 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

To TfL, Thank you for your response and I understand the reason for refusal of Vector drawings. Would it instead be possible to be sent a copy of the design (in any format) for the Pride livery...

How many tickets have been given the benefit of the doubt or 'first offence' waivers Please provide detail of the number of appeals that have been granted since the scheme was introduced and...

I require a spreadsheet of all current oyster top up locations in London with Retailer ID, Shop name, address including postcode and X and Y northings attached.

Hi, I am a researcher from the university, studying the traffic exposure to crash frequency. It would be appreciated if you could provide the hourly or daily traffic flow data of Automatic Traffic...

Please could you provide me with copies of all documents concerning the use of the 'Hold the Handrail' signs which are at the top of the stairwell on London Busses. Please could you provide me...

I am requesting the following information: All vehicles registered as either a Taxi, Hackney Carriage or for Private Hire use (including the registration number, make & model) between these following...

Hi How many CSAs do you have working reduced hours in the northern line, victoria line and jubilee line? And out of those, how many are working less than 16 hours a week? Thanks

What is the current status of the central line improvement programme, and when can we expect to see a refurbished train in service?

Please tell me: 1) How many letters informing registered keepers that their vehicles may not be compliant in the proposed expanded ULEZ have been sent out? 2) How many of these letters have...

Dear Sirs I’m looking for the statistics on rental bikes which were stolen, are missing or have been abandoned. I wonder how many bikes have never been returned to the docking station. I would...