
18271 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Could you please supply technical drawings, figures and numerical information of existing rolling stock including the 1972, 1973, 1992 and 1996 Stock, as well as data on the infrastructural of...

I'm doing a research about metro system performance and I need information about car-kilometers run each year by the london tube (not train kilometers but car kilometers) Could you give me that...

Please you you disclose me, the correspondence email/written between TFLs Helen Chapman and Uber (all representatives) between the dates 01/04/17 - 22/09/17

I have numerous questions in relation to the New Routemaster bus. 1. What is the fare evasion rate on routes served with New Routemaster buses and on (two-door) conventional buses? 2. How many...

Please confirm how many separate instances of signal failure there were on the London Underground network during the month of October. Please also separately provide the same data for the months...

Hi, Can you confirm how many times the central line has had the required number of trains - 78 - available during the rush hour for the past 2 months? To run the advertised service of 34 trains...

I would like to request a list all crimes at all tube stations from January 1st 2017 to November 1st 2017, including the amount of each crime and the gender of the person who committed the crime....

Follow on from FOI-1989-1718 re Recruitment of Night Tube Train Operators (022816). Would it be possible to know if any of the three successful candidates mentioned in the response to question...

am interested to learn about why the measures were put in place. Are they a long term plan? How long will they be there for? When were plans for the barriers made? Where are the barriers obtained...

I would be grateful if you could provide me the following information about the costs of replacing and maintaining Santander Bikes, previously described as Barclay Bikes or "Boris Bikes". 1....