
18271 requests found

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How many people were charger £9.50 on their Oyster cards to travel nowhere ( in my case to return to Northfields where I had started my journey ). I think it is important because when I asked...

Follow on from: FOI-2214-1718 I note for answer of 21st November 2017. This email constitutes a new request for information. Since 1st January 2015 to date, has TFL received any formal complaints...

1. How many stations at the London Underground charge to use their toilet facilities? (Please provide a list of stations and the fee, if possible). 2. How much money did TfL accumulate from...

1. Please provide details that TfL holds of the size, in terms of square metres, of the former construction sites, for the newly built Crossrail stations. I would especially welcome information...

1) How many employees have criminal records of any description 2) In the last 3 years how many have been dismissed after being charged with a criminal offence 3) of those charged, how many were...

I would like to request a copy of the iBus announcements, as well as a transcript.

I would like to request to get a CD for the London iBus and London Overground audio files. This is for personal use only. Thanks.

I would like to request a CD and transcript of london Overground announcements.

During the planning process I asked about the potential impact on bus journeys through Palmers Green of the cycle-enfield scheme on the A105. I attach below for convenience the earlier correspondence. 1....

I would like to request a transcript and CD of the London tramlink announcements.