
17980 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

I would like to know are there any procedure or method or policy for TfL in controlling or guarding the allocation of types of bus fleets by bus operators in outer London region which is in or...

The amount of money collected from fines for people failing to pay the congestion charge for the years: 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-present and The number of people who failed...

I have been informed by the local authority London Borough of Barnet that TFL are sponsoring or organising the proposed move of this bus stop outside a small block of flats. I am a close neighbour...

Under FOIA can you disclose the number complaints received by TfL from customers specifically in relation Uber London Limited and Hacked customer accounts, between the dates 03/10/17 and 22/11/17...

Could you please supply all emails held by Mr Garrett Emmerson that contain the word Uber between 16 January 2014 - 15 February 2014 (inclusive).

As part of Private Hire licensing regime TFL conducts Compliance inspections, during the inspection, Each item of non-compliance is scored. The total score at the end of the inspection will...

Can you please provide a copy of all emails from Mr Cliff Llewellyn to Ms Siwan Hayward dated 19 December 2013 in your Taxi and Private Hire Dept.

What were the total costs of employing temporary staff by Taxi and Private Hire Financial year 2015/2016?( Including Agency fees, Employers NIC and other related costs)

On the TFL website (please see link) Under the heading; Mayor...

I am contacting you to request a copy of the Transport for London documentation regarding the UBER investigation which concluded that their website was no more than a "Price Comparison Website"