
17980 requests found

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Please would you supply the answers to the following three questions relating to pothole claims: 1. How much money overall has been paid out by Transport for London in connection with compensation...

I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect of the following framework agreement(s)/contract(s): • Suppliers who applied for inclusion...

Please can you supply me with the individual pay of ADC0 and AG1 grades in stations, trains, service control, SRT and Revenue Control. Broken down only by gender. To eliminate doubt, I do...

I am writing to you to request a copy of a CD of all the up to date iBus announcements that you currently have on the buses, I understand that it'll be in fragments likely but that won't matter....

In the last 6 months - Internal reports that outline the options available for Transport for London if it does not have enough income left over after covering day-to-day operating costs to renew...

I am currently doing some research on staff training around disability and would like to find out what mandatory training staff at TFL have. If you could provide me with details on what if any...

Please accept this as Freedom of Information request and forward to the relevant department for dealing with such a request. Please could you kindly give me information on: 1) Total Number of...

1. How many one-day travel-cards are sold each day? 2. What is the average number of journeys an individual takes whilst using this one-day travel-card?

1) Please state the number of passengers a) Killed b) Injured On or by London buses in each of the last 5 financial years, and the current financial year to date. 2) Please provide a breakdown...

Can you provide me with details for the yearly salary of the service control manager (SCM) for each of the underground lines below Jubilee Northern Piccadilly Bakerloo Central Victoria District Circle...