
19638 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Can you please provide me with the following: 1. Job description for hackney cab driver 2. Job description for private hire driver Many thanks

I recently had the misfortune to encounter this double yellow box junction for the first time. The road markings & traffic light layout is very confusing, and I feel it is unreasonable to expect...

Please can you send me the following: 1. Full set of rules / regulation s hackney cab drivers must follow 2. Full set of rules / regulations private hire drivers must follow Thank you

Follow-on from FOI-3000-1819: Could you please send me mike brown or helen chapman or Gareth Powell’s reply to steve macnamaras emails please.... and has there been any contact between the steve...

clarification Dear FOI team Thank you for your answer. I actually need both east and west but if I only can get limited amount, the westside, opposite of Centre point tower is my priority...

I have read the press release from TfL (

I am making this request after seeing an advertising board in Earl's Court station yesterday (below platform 1, near the escalator down to the Piccadilly line), which was advertising a march...

Could I please have a copy of the Amended and Restated (Sundry Travelcards) Agreement dated 31 October 200?

Please provide any and all email correspondence between Transport for London and any email address ending with between 4 March 2019 and 19 March 2019. Please also provide any correspondence...

How many penalty charge notices that were issued by TFL for parking contraventions in each of the calendar years 2016, 2017 and 2018 remained unpaid as of 12 March 2019? What percentage of total...