
17980 requests found

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In the last 24 months, but identified on a month to month basis, how many times have the licensing authority overruled the decision made by either, Mr Ellis or Mr Kennedy?

I hope that you can assist me with the following freedom of information request, which is made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. 1. How many road traffic accidents involving buses...

F/O 2649-1920 Many thanks for your response. I agree that the outages at Cutty Sark are under reported, but it’s still useful to see the information. There is one part of my original question...

Please could you provide any information you have about work between the Home Office and TFL on the issue of rough sleepers.

PWC produced a report titled “Crossrail 2 Funding and Finance Study” for TfL. In this report PWC state that Mott MacDonald, were commissioned by TfL to undertake a full engineering feasibility...

Good afternoon. I would like to request any Wayfinding Guideline documents you have for the London Underground (ie. that give guidelines/rules on new Wayfinding when changes are made). Many Thanks.

I would like information on the following points. 1.Please supply information on the financial beneficiary of fines imposed by IRCAS on passengers using London underground. 2. Who appointed IRCAS...

Could you please provide me with a detailed report on tfl's decision not to grant Uber London Limited (Uber) a new private hire operator's licence (decided in 2019)? Essentially, the report that...

Please also supply a copy of the term and conditions of the operational instructions given to Ircas and the appeals service for imposing penalties.

Dear Transport for London, In mid 2018, you provided me with a rough timeline for the deployment of new rolling stock on the Enfield town branch - In...