
17564 requests found

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Number of people who caught using an Oyster card not registered to them which had one of the following on it: Travelcard or Bus & Tram Pass season ticket Jobcentre Plus Travel Discount Bus &...

I would be grateful if you could provide the following information regarding the C4 (Command, Control, Communication & Coordination) Programme that is currently being worked on in London Underground. In...

Please could you provide a breakdown report of all job titles within your current technology service and operations division. For each job title, please can you indicate the number of staff that...

Please can you provide the 2017 figures on station entry and exit figures? The ones currently available on the TfL site (

1. Could you please provide me with an audio CD of the Class 345 announcements (by Emma Hignett) and a transcript of these? 2. If there are also audio announcements that have been recorded by...

I would like to request the CCTV on board a 294 that was on service on 29th November 2017. More specifically the footage for when it had stopped at 'Princes Road' stop on Brentwood Road heading...

Happy 10 year anniversary to the Legible London scheme! I'm interested in how the scheme is developed, and would like to request a list of the locations and types of Legible London signs that...

I am requesting the following information for calendar years (unless otherwise specified below): 1. How many successful personal injury claims have been made against TFL in the last 3 financial...

Would you be able to provide me the monthly breakdown for the passenger numbers using Bank, Monument and Canary Wharf stations for 2017?

It has come to my attention that many maps on are out of date. An example is the Tube and Rail Map which lists a version from 2017/05, whereas the latest in stations are 2017/12 and...