
17564 requests found

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This request concerns information about the number of drivers Transport for London gave a private licence to that applied with a Sheffield (S) postcode, between 2014-2017. For clarification,...

I am conducting some research on travel on the TFL tube network. I would be grateful if you could provide information or statistics, where applicable, on the following 1. When did the TFL...

Please could you provide usage figures for the Night Tube, split by Entry/Exit, for each station open during the operation of the night tube, by 30 minute time period.

Your website returns error messages when I try to submit that way and you break the law by not responding to my requests via social media. So, here is my request: For each month in 2017 how many...

TFL recently announced that Haringey council had been awarded some Liveable Streets funding for works to be carried out in Crouch End to improve pedestrian and cycling in the town centre. Could...

How many advertisements paid for or sponsored by (a) Russia Today (b) any company/business fully or partially funded by any [arm of a] state, have been placed on TFL property since January 1...

Please advise me of the frequency of testing the functionality of the road traffic lights at the above pelican crossing. Please also provide details of the operating cycle at times of low traffic...

Could you supply under the freedom of information act details regarding the 'boris bike' scheme in particular the numbers of bikes being used in a year period. Many thanks

Could you please provide me with any reports/costing exercises over the last 20 years which will reveal options TfL considered for windows on the London tramlink? This should include details...

Hi, I am currently creating a set of skins for a game, and I require some stickers from the 'bendy buses' and Red Arrow vehicles. I was wondering if you could send me all of the relevant stickers...