FOI request detail

TfL ticket machines

Request ID: FOI-4480-1718
Date published: 07 March 2018

You asked

I am conducting some research on travel on the TFL tube network. I would be grateful if you could provide information or statistics, where applicable, on the following 1. When did the TFL ticket machines (i.e. those in tube and London overground stations) start offering boundary extensions to destinations within the TFL Travel Zones, 2. When did the TFL ticket machines (i.e. those in tube and London overground stations) start offering boundary extensions to destinations without the TFL Travel Zones, 3. In respect of both 1 & 2, what were the arrangements for buying extension tickets before the relevant dates? and 4. How many boundary extension tickets (separated for the within and without extensions) are bought over a year (if you have monthly data, that would be extremely useful also)? If you have any historic information for the last 5 years that would also be extremely useful (broken up by month etc).

We answered

Our Ref:          FOI-4480-1718

Thank you for your request received on 9 February 2018 asking for information about TfL tickets.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can confirm we hold some of the information you require. You asked:

Please note, we believe that the first question should read ‘within London’ and the second ‘outside London’.

1. When did the TFL ticket machines (i.e. those in tube and London overground stations) start offering boundary extensions to destinations within the TFL Travel Zones

For London Underground ticket machines, Boundary Zone extensions have never been offered to stations within the Travelcard area. For London Overground, there are two different systems due to the fact that London Overground used to be made up of difference organisations. The general functionality has been the same, but different upgrades have occurred at different times. This functionality became available on some of their machines in 2012/13, and the remainder of their machines in 2015.

2. When did the TFL ticket machines (i.e. those in tube and London overground stations) start offering boundary extensions to destinations within the TFL Travel Zones,

For London Underground ticket machines, Boundary Zone extensions have been offered since January 2015 to stations outside the Travelcard area. As above, this functionality became available on some London Overground machines in 2012/13 and the remainder in 2015.

3. In respect of both 1 & 2, what were the arrangements for buying extension tickets before the relevant dates? and

Before extension tickets were available, customers would buy a ticket from a ticket office, a National Rail ticket machine, or on the train or at their end destination. It has long been railway practice that where you cannot buy the ticket you need, you do one or other of the above.

4. How many boundary extension tickets (separated for the within and without extensions) are bought over a year (if you have monthly data, that would be extremely useful also)? If you have any historic information for the last 5 years that would also be extremely useful (broken up by month etc).

Please find the requested information attached, please note that we only hold the data from February 2014 for London Underground and only for the past year for London Overground. Please note, for the London Overground data this includes destinations outside of the zones as we are not able to separate the destinations by zone.

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for some reason, please feel free to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Gemma Jacob
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

[email protected]


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