
17564 requests found

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Please can you advise how many PCNs have been issued to car owners who believed that their UELZ payment had been processed successfully via the TfL website but subsequently received a PCN for...

I learnt recently that the management of the A13 is contracted to an external partner by the GLA. Please may I have the terms of reference for this contract (I am happy to have it with any...

Dear FOI Officer, I would like the number of complaints TfL have receive about River Buses speeding. Please include any complaints where complainants called them a different name but essentially...

Dear Sir or Madam, Would you be able to disclose the amount of energy per year and/or cost of energy per year for the lighting of London Underground rolling stock? I.E. The lights in the trains,...

How much money was paid by crossrail for the services of Control Risks ltd. For the years: 2009. 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. 2016, 2017. 2018, 2019. How much money was paid by TFL for the...

I would please like to request the daily entry and exit statistics for passenger numbers by stations ( the 3 stations listed below) broken down by day and quarter hour of each day. This should...

I would like to request any records you have of roads that were partially or fully closed on 07/05/19 within a mile radius around Baker Street and Marylebone Road. I was driving towards this...

Please confirm the total costs of the Rotherhithe Bridge (crossing) project for the close of business as at the 31st May 2019. As TfL operate a 4 week cost cycle, please let me know the exact...

Dear FOI officer. Could I please get the number of times River Buses have been caught speeding west of Wandsworth Bridge in the 8knot speed limit zone since June 2014. Could I also get the...

F/on from IRV-133-1819 Thank you for the reply. The design drawing does appear to show the location of the small black box. Given it’s size, I cannot see how this can be described as a ‘Post...