
17623 requests found

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What is the occupancy rate for buses in Peckham? How often are buses in Peckham overcrowded? What is the average excess waiting time for each of the bus routes through Peckham? Please provide...

Good morning, I would like to submit a Freedom of Information request to determine the number of thefts on the Rail and tube network during December 2018 and December 2019. Could you please...

I would like to ask for information on data security spending & training pertaining to Transport for London, on behalf of Redscan Ltd. Please could you complete the table below to provide the...

Provide me a copy of your ethical payment policy towards small businesses under a FOI request

Can you tell me under the FOI act how many public transport vehicles have tinted windows to reduce heat gain from sunshine and ventilation and how many do not. What plans are there to install...

May I request, under the freedom of information act, details of the 106 test scenarios "capable of being tested" by Crossrail at it's Crossrail Integration Facility, as noted in the report to...

Can you please provide me information whether Crossrail electrical installations are claiming compliance with BS859 2010 or able to list and justify any deviations as shown from extract from...

TfL has based the seating arrangement, capacity and lack of toilets on Elizabeth Line (EL) Class 345 trains on a statement that the average journey time that customers will make will be 20 minutes. Please...

Please provide a full breakdown of costs incurred concerning TFL’s interaction with Mount Anvil and Sainsbury’s regarding the plot of land at Goodwood Road and the area owned by Sainsbury’s at...

1. Have Crossrail electrical installations been designed, installed, tested, inspected and certificated to the requirements of BS7671? 2. If so, what version/s of BS7671 are the installations...