FOI request detail

Request for overcrowding times in tube, buses, trams and NR

Request ID: FOI-2521-2324
Date published: 07 November 2023

You asked

I'd like to request about the details of overcrowding times and days in the previous and the current of the year. We've like to have any experienced from you as i'm researching for mental health poster creations. We're creating for overcrowding that distress you personally. If you would appreciated that to provide me for some details in overcrowding public transports as it is not private transport.

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-2521-2324

Thank you for your request which we received on 13 October 2023, asking for information about overcrowding on the TfL network.

Your request has been considered under the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and our information access policy. I can confirm that we do hold the information you require.

In the fiscal year 2022/23, almost 3.3 billion passenger journeys were made on the TfL network.

TfL staff carefully manage the flows of customers at our stations to ensure a safe travel environment and minimum inconvenience for customers. Sometimes this requires stations being closed in order to prevent congestion. There are a number of initiatives underway that assist in reducing crowding. These include the introduction of world class timetables on the Victoria, Northern and Jubilee lines, increasing the number of trains per hour, which in turn reduces the number of people left at stations waiting for trains.

Furthermore, TfL is tackling overcrowding by modernising the network with unprecedented levels of investment in the network. This has included the modernisation and expansion of several of our stations including Victoria, Tottenham Court Road, Bank and Bond Street, and the introduction of services on the Elizabeth line.

Every tube station has a Congestion Control and Emergency Plan (CCEP) that sets out how it is to be operated to prevent overcrowding. Each CCEP is reviewed regularly to ensure that it is correct, and takes into account changing customer flows and changes to infrastructure. The station specific CCEPs are exempt from disclosure due to safety and security concerns. However, I have attached the Generic Congestion Control Plan which provides information on congestion control that are applicable to stations across the entire network.

Please see the following link for the number of crowding/congestion incidents by tube line, which have caused delays of two minutes or more:

Please see the TfL website for quieter times to travel by public transport and when individual stations and stops are busiest:

Please see also our performance data, available via the following links, that include information on overcrowding:

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal and copyright.

Yours sincerely

Eva Hextall
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London


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