Buses performance data

Measuring performance

We measure network performance by comparing the number of kilometres a route has done in the last quarter.

We compare each quarter to the same quarter of the previous year, rather than the last quarter of the same year. This is because factors affecting performance, like traffic conditions, can vary depending on the time of year, so this system makes it possible to identify underlying trends.

Scheduled kilometres may not be met because journeys are cancelled or suspended due to:

  • Traffic congestion
  • Staff availability
  • Engineering problems or mechanical breakdown

Quality of service indicators (QSI) are used to monitor service reliability.

Customer satisfaction

We ask a sample of passengers to give a score out of 100 on a wide range of bus service features, based on the journey they have just made. Passengers are carefully selected each quarter to represent all bus passengers in London.

Recent figures can be found in the latest quarter summary document below.

Defining the passenger journey

A passenger journey is defined as one ride on a single vehicle - not a bus trip from A to B as this may include more than one bus ride.

Statistics include all London Buses' contracted services but exclude any non-scheduled kilometres, London Service Permit routes and other special services.

Bus speeds reports

We monitor the speeds of buses to understand the impacts of changing road network conditions. Bus speeds include time spent stationary (for example at traffic lights and at bus stops). Bus speeds are available for the entire network, by borough, and by route.

  • All data is in miles per hour
  • All AM data is taken for Mondays to Fridays, School and Non School days, between 07:00 and 10:00
  • At Route level, some routes may be appear twice. This is because a service change happened during a period. A service change may include a change to a route structure, contract or operator

Factors affecting performance

Quarter 3 2024/25 (14 September 2024 to 03 January 2025)

Bus Network Performance is affected by seasonality factors such as school holidays and seasonal weather conditions. This means when considering performance for a particular quarter it can be more meaningful to compare results with the same quarter in the previous year rather than the previous quarter. 

Quarter 3 in 2024/25 saw some metrics performing better than the equivalent quarter last year whilst others performed worse. Performance was generally worse than the last pre-pandemic Q3 in 2019-20.  

The percentage of scheduled services that were operated in Quarter 3 was slightly better than Q3 last year but was worse than the pre-pandemic baseline. There were several disruptive events in this quarter which included Hackney Carnival, the Royal Parks Half Marathon, the Lord Mayors Show, the Remembrance Parade and New Year celebrations as well as the usual occurrence of emergency incidents, burst water mains and RTCs. Overall traffic lost mileage was slightly worse than the same quarter last year. 

Staff sickness/absence and shortage of drivers remained slightly higher than historic expectations, but the situation continues to improve and the overall result for the quarter was much better than Q3 last year. Mileage not operated due to mechanical issues remains higher than historical expectations with issues around parts supply, engineering staff shortages and the roll out of electric vehicles all having an impact. In the latest quarter performance was the same as Q3 last year.  

Bus speeds are still in decline and were slower during the quarter when compared to Q3 last year and the pre-pandemic baseline. Bus speeds in Inner NE, Inner SE, Inner SW and Outer SE London remain above pre-pandemic levels. 

The dual Covid impacts of reduced passenger numbers and less traffic disruption had a large boosting effect on reliability in 2020/21 and to a lesser extent in 2021/22. In 2022-23 the network reliability performance had deteriorated beyond the pre-pandemic baseline, and this continued in 2023/24 and into 2024/25. Quarter 3 EWT performance was slightly better than Q3 last year. Before the start of the pandemic, inner London EWT had been improving whilst outer London had recorded a deterioration. Pandemic restrictions then brought about significant improvements across all areas of London. In quarter 3 all areas of London recorded worse EWT results than pre-pandemic levels, but Inner & Outer NW and Inner & Outer SW were all better than Q3 last year with Outer SE unchanged. 

Punctuality of low frequency services also saw a similar temporary boost due to Covid impacts after which performance deteriorated. Unlike EWT, on-time performance for the latest quarter was worse than Q3 last year. Night bus performance had returned to more normal levels at a faster rate after Covid than day routes. In the latest quarter the percentage of night buses on-time was below pre-pandemic levels and worse than the same period last year. 


International Bus Benchmarking Group

London is a member of the International Bus Benchmarking Group (IBBG), an international knowledge sharing network of bus companies. It was established in 2004 and is facilitated by Imperial College London.

Benchmarking is a continuous systematic process for evaluating the products, services, processes or organisations that are recognised as representing best practice for the purpose of organisational improvement. A blend of operational and customer metrics are used to track the performance of the bus network.

Every year, a review of buses performance monitoring is evaluated internally and presented to TfL's Independent Investment Programme Advisory Group (IIPAG) by Imperial College London to justify expenditure and ensure quality of service provided to passengers.

Demand-responsive bus performance

In 2019-20 we ran 2 service trials in Sutton and Ealing to explore how demand-responsive buses could:

  • Complement current public transport services
  • Reduce car dependency

We suspended and closed the trials in spring 2020 because of Government advice on non-essential travel.