Legible London

About the scheme
We developed Legible London to help both residents and visitors walk to their destination quickly and easily. The signs offer a consistent experience and information about distances between areas.
They're also integrated with other transport modes so, for example, when people are leaving the Tube they can quickly identify the route to their destination.
Find out more about the features of Legible London maps and signs.
Delivering your scheme
Introducing Legible London in your area can encourage walking, reduce street clutter and improve links to businesses and local attractions - making where you live a better place for everyone.
To find out more about bringing the system to your area, email us at legiblelondon@tfl.gov.uk.
We work with a range of organisations representing disability groups to ensure the Legible London design is as inclusive as possible. For example, the Legible London maps show steps and pedestrian crossings.