Afternoon Data/FOI Officer, I want to submit a request for some information from the organisation, in relation to their contract’s register. The FULL contract register should display all the...
Dear FOI Team I would be grateful if you could provide me with the following information under the Freedom of Act 2000. I would need the following data. I would be grateful if you provide the...
Follow-up to 1036-2122: Response is very generic with no factual evidence and real statistics over the years, therefore it is misleading. On what basis admissions to hospitals in Greater London...
Dear TfL I have a Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations request regarding TfL ownership of depots and bus fleets leased to bus operators. • Can you list the bus depots/garages...
Sirs In response to this FOI request (FOI-0975-2122) you posted a link to download a spreadsheet for details of the locations of camera sites in the central London zone. As I have been unable...
I am wondering if your archives would contain any additional images of the station whilst in use from 1906 to 1932 as well as Green's design floor plans and related documents for the station...
Dear FOI Team RE: Receipt of money from the European Union: I am writing to submit a Freedom of Information request. In order to facilitate this request, I outline my specific queries below:...
Please provide me with the scripts of all announcements at London Underground stations used on the MICA/DVA system (voiced by Elinor Hamilton). This includes but is not limited to 'Customer service...
Hi How many train drivers working in London Underground were furloughed due to sickness in the period April 2020 - October 2020
Today I noticed a poster on the tube which said "the air on our tubes is refreshed every three minutes and so you can travel safely" Can you direct me to scientific paper(s) which i) support...