
18271 requests found

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Please provide a complete list of all vehicles currently operating on the TFL service, including buses, HGV's, vans and cars

I would like to know how many fines have been imposed on people for not wearing masks on the TFL network since they became mandatory. I would also like to know how many people have been refused...

F/on from FOI-1744 Dear FOI Tram, Further to this previous FOI, please advise if clarification to this requires a new FOI or can be treated as a continuation of this one. With regards to the...

Dear Transport for London, I write in request for information about Transport for London's use of ULEZ and LEZ cameras.Please can you release to me the following information: 1) How many ULEZ...

Please provide answers to the following questions so I can get more clarity on this unfair penalty charge notice which I have been issued with: 1) When did Cardigan Street become part of the...

Can you please tell me the amount of legal costs that have been awarded to TFL in total in: The first Bishopsgate & Streetspace case with the United Trade Action Group/The LTDA? The Court...

Wandsworth Council has given me the following list of safe cycling routes implemented within the borough since 2018. Which ones did TfL implement? Also, which routes received TfL funding? Finally,...

I understand that Uber's Part 8 declaration and the JR by the United Trade Action Group has been rolled into one hearing in November 2021. Can you please tell me if all parties are meeting...

Dear TFL under the freedom of information act I would like to request the following information: under the taxi card scheme how many journeys are cancelled before they are allocated by comcab...

we must ask for your full disclosure on the method on which DVS agency attempted to advise UK registered operators of this new scheme. What exactly was the marketing spend and the plan followed?...