Hi I'm trying to access the Journey Planner on the crossrail website to see how long my journey times are going to be when the line opens but nothing on the website seems to be showing any planner...
1 - Have any mobility scooters been banned from TfL services because they are powered by lithium-ion batteries? (just a yes or no reply is needed, thanks). 2 - does the current ban on vehicles...
Please can you provide number & names of all operators under each licence tier.
Hello, may I please request the technical drawings with measurements of the 1992 Stock on the Central and Waterloo and City Lines? I would like the original drawings that the manufacturers used...
Please send me information on the amount of money to date that TfL has spent on posters which state "Intrusive staring of a sexual nature is sexual harassment and is not tolerated." Please also...
Can you please give me some information on the role of Dial a ride attendant with Transport for London. Can you please give me the Job description for the role of Dial a ride attendant? Can...
Following on from your reply to FOI-0667-2021, a more targeted question to aid your costs of research is as follows: From 2014 to 2019 can you state the (if any) increase in pay to the LU...
As a follow-up to Request ID: FOI-2668-2122, and not being a Councillor, please provide a copy of all correspondence sent by TfL to the London Borough of Croydon, together with any related assessments...
I today would request TFL-PCO to kindly provide me with the following answers within the next 10 working days. 1) As per the freedom of information act can you conform how many times the metropolitan...
Can you please give me some Information about the role of Operations Controller Victoria Coach Station with Transport for London. Can you please give me the Job Description for Operations...