
17980 requests found

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How many complaints has TFL received for non activated orders which have not been refunded to the card holder? We subsequently agreed that this question relates to 1st April 2021 to-date. What...

This is an information request relating to payments made to charities and third sector organisations. Please provide the following information for 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21: • The value of...

Two new tube stations are opening as part of the Northern Line extension this year. On the entrances to the new stations are the names 'Nine Elms Station' and 'Battersea Power Station'. Please...

Dear Transport for London, 1. Does TFL have a legal opinion or ordinary opinion that a taxi app job offered to a taxi driver constitutes a booking? If so, can you please publish this legal opinion...

Please now provide a list and map of camera locations by street in East London.

I am writing under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request information about Uber's changes to its operating model. I would like to request all correspondence between TfL and Uber concerning...

can you please provide me with consultants, contractors and non-permanent labour (NPL) figures for LUL and TfL Engineering. Can you please break these figures down by job title and payband...

I am requesting if I am able to receive the audio files used on the Central, Jubilee and Victoria Lines. Full or broken down ones, I do not mind,

Traffic light timings - Fiveways Good morning, I have contacted the 3rd party email address and have been provided with a form, please can you provide details of the 2018 proposals if you...

Dear TfL, In your most recent Investment Programme Report for Quarter 1 2021/22, the following notes are made (on page 22) ( "We...