
17980 requests found

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Following TfL Ref: FOI-1798-2021, please may I have a copy of the document you refer to when you say: 'We do hold a Tulse Hill Gyratory business case from 2019. It’s an unfinished working...

I have made an application to the TfL for a new private hire application and the initial assessment completed in November 2021, DBS received in December. To date I requested a rescheduled assessment...

Please can I have stats for Blackwall Tunnel as below; How many times per month in 2019, 2020, 2021 has Blackwall tunnel closed for any amount of time? Number of times the tunnel in each year...

Hello Since TfL is overseen by the Greater London Authority, do the London Mayor, Deputy Mayors, Assembly Members, GLA staff such as advisors etc get free travel on TfL services such as TfL...

I would like a full list of all Boris Bikes that were missing and were then found outside of the Greater London county border. The list should include: • The bike number. • The date it went...

Dear Transport for London, How many penalty fares were issued on London buses and the tube (London Underground) to people who didn't have a valid ticket (fare evasion) between January 2019-January...

Dear Transport for London, Please provide me with information about how many crimes (e.g. antisocial behaviour, assault, theft) were reported on all London bus routes from January 2019-January...

Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, please provide me with a map of cameras for the ULEZ extension zone. You are obviously aware that you have already published the following...

Please can you give me a breakdown of what the LEZ & ULEZ payments received from drivers by yourselves are used for.

Please include the following information: • TfL’s annual income from advertising, by financial year, from 2015-16, until 2020-21, including all years in between Please include in these figures...