Please under the FOI Act 2000, can you send me information on how many TfL employees have committed suicide and what year these suicides took place.
Dear TFL Are TFL employees civil servants? If not who pays them. An Assistant Correspondence Manager for TFL what is this pay grade and salary Thank your time, we look forward to your response.
FOI request in relation to Elizabeth Line accessibility For context: A Maidenhead wheelchair user found herself stranded on an Elizabeth Line train – she wanted to get off at Maidenhead and...
Dear TfL FOI, I believe there is a second, perhaps older, format of fire action notice. It is used in staff booths on platforms at various stations and features a blue circle at the top with...
Evening, Can I request Maps and a List of all TFL Operated Bus Lanes Also a List or Map showing Non TFL Operated Bus Lanes as well. Kind Regards
In the Independent Disability Advisory Group (IDAG) meeting on 31st May 2022[see attached], one IDAG member mentioned they use a folding mobility scooter which was tested and has a verified battery...
On page 6 of the “Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) form Document No F1457”, it is stated that Front line staff and bus drivers will be encouraged to remind customers of the ban, but will not...
I have two questions about Trixi Mirrors: 1) In September 2010, TfL published a report on the evaluation of Trixi Mirrors:
Hi there, I'd like to know the £ amount for all the audio contracts for TfL.
Please could you answer the following questions: 1. Apart from the fire risk associated with Lithium-Ion batteries, are there any other factors affecting TFLs position on an exemption scheme...