
17980 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

I would like the CCTV footage of bus LTZ 1764 (bus route 17 London Bridge) for xxx March 2023 for the time period: xxxx

I understand TfL offer a staff Leisure travel benefit. I would like to make an FOI to the cost of providing this benefit to staff members. That is, does TfL have to pay the Rail Delivery Group...

After reading a web page called Taxileaks it mentions a letter from Mr Leon Daniels of TFL to Mr James Thomas in connection to the Transport Act 1985. The letter was dated 30 September 2014 could...

Follow-on from FOI-2816-2223: Could I ask a follow on to this FOI Request could you supply the replies from Taxi Drivers below to the complaints received with personal information removed.

Please retrieve the dates when and locations where rail grinding took place since 2019 on the Northern Line.

Hello, I would like to make a freedom of information request. I am doing a research project investigating call-off contracts in the public sector. I have identified a potential call-off contract...

Dear Sir/\madam, I would be grateful if you could provide the following information which, fortunately, I know is kept and readily available: Road fatalities on the A9 ‘safety camera section’...

Dear TFL, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request access to the freedom of information request for the 20mph traffic management order for Clapham High Street. As a concerned...

I would be grateful if you could provide me with the number of fatalities, occurring annually, between 2019 and 2022 on the five TfL pilot average speed schemes, namely: A40 between the Polish...

In your answer for the request with the ID FOI-2989-2122 you stated that each totem for "Individual London" has an individual map. I understand that this means you cannot provide a full map of...