I would like you to inform me of the total cost so far of implementing and maintaining the ULEZ cameras in and around London.
Please could you confirm whether Transport for London is continuing develop: (a)a digital Oyster card for use on Apple / Android phones so that people an use travel cards / rail card discounts...
Dear Transport for London, I visited the Museum Depot today asking this same question and a volunteer suggested I did a FOI request. Is there any way of finding out information regarding the...
Could you please advise if you hold any recent (post-pandemic) traffic surveys for the junction of the A11 with Cambridge Heath Road (or locations in the immediate vicinity); these could be junction,...
Can you provide details at what point the central line has to declare delays to the service? I have been advised that in zone 6, if there is no more than a twenty minute gap in between departures...
What is the salary of night tube CSA's? Kind Regards,
Dear Transport for London, In 2015 you responded positively to this request: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/bus_stop_data Nothing with this level of detail is available for download...
Dear TFL, I have recently won an appeal against you with London Tribunals for PCN (REDACTED) (Case Ref 2230263167). This was for an alleged contravention, where my car was parked at the following...
Follow-up to EIR-1844-2324: Thank you for your response. Can you tell me how many vehicles were identified as non-compliant on Thornhill Road, Surbiton on the dates mentioned? Just the number,...
1. How many construction contracts worth £2m or more were let by your organisation since 1 January 2022? 2. Of these, how many used/use/will use project bank accounts to pay subcontractors...