
18271 requests found

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Dear Transport for London, Can I buy or have the Barbie poster advertising the release of the movie in the Underground Station- King’s Cross- Piccadilly line? (or any other copies as I have...

Could you please supply me with how many disabled people you have given the grace period too who DO NOT meet your required benefits listed but have been given it due to their disabilities where...

Park Lane Walking and Cycling Changes - Transport For London Consultation 13th October 2022 - 4th December 2022. Update provided 12th July 2023. We would like to have more detail about the...

Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to request all available details of the potential bus route changes in the London Borough of Hounslow that have been discussed by TfL with Council Officers in 2023,...

Follow-on from FOI-1587-2324: What about the gender and ethnicity of those prosecuted only?

I was wondering if you could assist me with identifying a camera that I recently came across. I'm interested in learning more about its recording or tracking capabilities. I have attached a picture...

I want the history of incidents on this junction for recent years - preferably 20 years - involving motor vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians.

Dear TfL. I’m very fascinated by the iconic Phil Sayer & Elinor Hamilton Announcements. I was a Notting Hill Gate station on the Circle & District lines and I keep hearing this announcement:...

Please could i have the following information. Please can I have the following questions answered. CSM is Customer service managers. 1. How many CSM 1 staff are on LUL 2. How many CSM1...

Dear TFL, Please let me know of the amount of incidents involving taxis This is a freedom of information request, Dated and noted Many thanks